Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How Long is the lead time ?
Blinds are made locally they normally take 3 to 4 weeks to be made. Shutters from Australia take on average 4 to 5 weeks to be made. Plus an extra 3 weeks at the Christmas. The Chinese made shutters take 6 to 8 weeks plus an extra 3 weeks when it's the Chinese New Year break.
Once we have taken delivery from the suppliers the shutters or blinds are normally booked in straight away for the installation with the customer, if we have available access from the customer to their home they are normally installed the same week we receive the shutters. They can be held back for a few weeks while either building work or other factors from the customer request a later installation date.
How long are quotes valid for ?
Quotes are valid for 30 days. However if there has been no price increases from our suppliers, then we will honour the quote or update the price.
How far will you travel for a free quote ?
We service the Sunshine Coast area providing a free quote per household. If you are further away we can provide an estimate by emailed approximate window sizes, then if you are happy with the estimate we can arrange a free quote. The destinations more than an hour from the coast would be at our discretion.
Do you repair shutters or blinds ?
We do not repair shutters installed by other suppliers, however sometimes we will help out if we can, each case is taken case by case depending on the details of the repair. Blinds are generally replaced once they need repairing. If the product is bought from us then the warranty covers repairs unless damaged through wear and tear.
Do the plastic shutters yellow from the sun ?
No ours do not yellow.
Do you sell exterior Awnings or Outdoor Blinds ?
No sorry we do not.
We do sell exterior Aluminium Shutters.
Do you sell the Roll down shutters the exterior security type?
No sorry we do not.
What shutters materials are for exterior use ?
We only recommend the exterior Aluminium Shutters for out door use. They are the best suited for strength and durability.
How much more are shutters compared to blinds ?
Shutters are far more substantial than blinds and last more than 3 times the life of blinds they generally cost 2 to 3 times the price of a blind depending on the window size.
Do the shutters insulate from the sun ?
Yes shutters make a noticeable difference insulating from the heat and cold.
Do shutters block out all of the light ?
No they are not a complete block-out, small gaps around the panels and between the blades let soft refracting light seep through. They stop more light than blinds except block out blinds with black out side tracks. Shutters are installed in bedroom windows. Only night shift workers or some parents of babies who want a blacked out room sometimes add an extra blind behind the shutters for a black out room.
Can we get shutters in custom colours ?
Yes shutters can be ordered in a custom colour matching any Dulux colour.
How long does it take to install shutters ?
It normally takes about between 30 to 50 minutes for normal standard windows, sliding shutters can take 2.5 to 3 hours.
Do we need to take down the existing blinds ?
If possible yes. If you cannot manage it then a fitter will remove your existing window furnishings a surcharge may be charged.
What shutter material is the best selling for the interior ?
Plastic shutters are now the best selling product as they are more durable cheaper than timber shutters and have extra benefits. They are Water proof, fire resistant and termite proof, compared to timber.
What happens if the ordered shutter does not fit ?
Our staff will measure the window for the made to fit shutter. Whilst every effort is made not to make mistakes, occasionally a human error can occur, if it does not fit we will reorder the product at our expense.
Can the blades be in different sections above or below ?
Yes the shutter can have 2 or 3 or even more sets of blades within each shutter panel
Can a shutter panel be hinged seperate to the bottom half of the shutter ?
Yes a shutter panel can have a horizontal divide so the shutters can either hinge open above or below another shutter panel